The Key to being a good parent

The key to being a good parent is to understand God’s love towards you. Through your daily example, you show your children what God is like.
Have you ever had the privilege of seeing the birth of a foal? Soon after its birth, the little horse is almost self-sufficient. Have you ever wondered why it is different with us, humans? I mean, why is a newborn baby so vulnerable and completely dependent on his parents to survive? The dominant species, God’s supreme creation would die without continuous care and complete provision…

God created human beings in His image and likeness. One day, I looked up in a dictionary what these two words mean and what I found confirmed what we all know in the deepest part of our being. The word “image” means “shadow” or “reflection”. Just like your shadow on a wall or your reflection on the water reflect you, so you reflect the great Being of God, your Father. The word “likeness” comes from the root “mold”. When you bake a cake, the cake has the shape of its mold. And how is it that we’re made in His image? We’re different from animals and the rest of the physical world in that we have the ability to think, experience emotions and choose our own destiny.

God was a Father before creation and from the beginning His plan was to reveal Himself to us through the family. Yes, when you held your baby in your arms, your own flesh and blood, this little person made in your image and likeness, He wanted you to ponder in your heart how much God loves you. And part of His plan was that we as parents would show our children what God is like, through our daily example! So every time you need to guide or correct your son or daughter, ask yourself: “What would God do with me in a similar situation?” Your kids are your little mirrors. Many times the faults you see in them are what they imitate from your example. That, my dear friend, is the key go being a good parent: growing in the knowledge of your perfect Father, who created you in His image and likeness and who longs to guide you and be your friend. Make it your life goal to learn, understand and truly believe how great His Fatherly love is for you.


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